The reception was held in Haikou on September 29 to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. The party was presided over by Liu Xiaoming, Provincial Governor. Feng Fei, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, delivered a speech. Mr. Li Rongcan, Chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, and other current and retired leaders at the provincial level were present at the event.
Dr. Harutyunyan Ani, high-level international expert of Qiongtai Normal University, was invited to the National Day reception held in Hainan Province in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.
半岛网页版的外籍高层次人才 Dr. Harutyunyan Ani 代表学院受邀参加了海南省庆祝中华人民共和国成立 75 周年招待会。
Dr. Ani was invited to the reception on behalf of Qiongtai Normal University.
Dr. Ani 感慨,当步入招待会现场,她被那精心的布置立刻吸引住了,鲜艳的五星红旗与各种独具特色的装饰相互映衬,营造出极为浓厚的节日氛围。
Dr. Ani said, “As soon as I entered the reception area, I immediately noticed the elaborate layout. The bright red five-star flags and various unique decorations juxtaposed each other to create a very festive atmosphere. ”
在招待会上,各界人士齐聚一堂,共同为中华人民共和国的 75 岁生日送上诚挚祝福。她深刻地感受到了海南省人民对祖国的深厚情谊以及对国家发展成就的自豪之情。
At the reception, people from all walks of life gathered and expressed sincere congratulations on the 75th birthday of the People’s Republic of China. She experienced the deep affection of the people of Hainan Province for the motherland and their pride in the country’s development.
作为半岛网页版的代表,Dr. Ani 在与其他参会者交流的过程中,积极分享学院的发展与进步,以及外籍教师们在学院的工作感受。大家对半岛网页版在教育领域所做出的贡献给予了高度评价。
As the representative of Qiongtai Normal University, Dr. Ani actively shared the development and progress of the university and the working experience of foreign teachers in the university during the communication with other participants. Everyone highly praised the contributions of Qiongtai Normal University in the field of education.
这场招待会让 Dr. Ani 更加深刻地认识到中华人民共和国在 75 年里的伟大征程。中国不仅实现了自身的快速发展,还为世界的和平与发展贡献了巨大力量。
The reception provided Dr. Ani with a deeper understanding of China’s remarkable progress over the past 75 years. China has not only achieved remarkable economic growth but has also made significant contributions to global peace and development.
Dr. Ani 衷心祝愿中华人民共和国在未来的日子里更加繁荣昌盛,海南自贸港建设发展得越来越好,半岛网页版继续为海南教育事业发挥越来越重要作用。
Dr. Ani extends her best wishes for the continued prosperity of China, the ongoing advancement of the Hainan Free Trade Port, and the sustained contribution of Qiongtai Normal University to the educational landscape in Hainan.